Lining maintenance

Lining maintenance TANK LINING INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE STRATEGY Blair Rubber Company recognizes the need to avoid long and costly shutdowns through prompt and proper maintenance of the lining. Although the recommendations included here are based on extensive experience in maintenance and prolonging the life of rubber lined equipment, the primary responsibility for observing safe and proper procedures shall remain with …


CONCRETE SURFACE TREATMENTS FOR RUBBER LINING Surface PREPARATION 1. Prepare the concrete surface to be lined with abrasive blasting to remove laitance and other debris. 2. Etch the surface with a 1:1 or 2:1(v/v) solution of commercial muriatic (hydrochloric) acid. 3. Inspect the surface to ensure that it is free of laitance, curing compounds, oils, release agents, air pockets, pitting …

Rubber Repair

Rubber Repair Even in the best run and maintained manufacturing operation, it is inevitable that, at some time, a rubber lined piece of equipment will require repair. To cover such eventualities, proper rubber repair practices are described on the following pages. While repairs are necessary, they can vary from a tiny blister or crack to a major replacement of panels …

Rubber curing

CURING INSTRUCTIONS It is recommended that the rubber lining be cured as soon as possible after the rubber is applied. All rubber lining curing specifications are determined under lab conditions. Adjustments must be made by an experienced rubber engineer to compensate for all possible variables that can affect the state of cure. Some of these variables are: altitude, weather conditions, …


GENERAL RUBBER LINING PRINCIPLES METAL PREREQUISITES Metal to be lined should meet the requirements as stated in section 8 and section 12 “Blasting and Cementing Procedures.” The surface of the metal needs to be free of pits and crevices. Pits and crevices will trap air which will expand during the cure, causing the lining to form a blister known as …

Blasting and Cementing Procedures

Blasting and Cementing Procedures All metal surfaces should be inspected for contamination such as grease or other foreign matter prior to grit or sandblasting. Such foreign matter shall be removed and shall conform to the SSP-SP1 specification. Removal of Blasting Material Brushing with a clean oil-free brush, vacuuming or using filtered compressed air is recommended. Click here to learn more.


METAL FABRICATION SCOPE This specification applies to all metal intended to be rubber lined. Metals furnished must conform to this specification with respect to suitability for rubber lining or covering. Click here for more information.

Rubber Linings – Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance When working with suppliers, you want to know their products are top rate and their services go above and beyond. Partnering with a quality team greatly improves your chances for success. At Blair Rubber Co., our team works tirelessly to ensure that your rubber linings arrive on time and in spec. That’s why the largest chemical companies in …