Case Study: Blair Rubber Partners with Chilean Distributor

Case Study: Blair Rubber Partners with Chilean Distributor

Project: Patiño y Compañía
Location: Chile


Patiño y Compañía is a leader in the commercialization of adhesives, sealants, lubricants and coatings of polyurethane and rubber for the mining industry. In 2010, they entered the mining industry as a distributor, offering coating products that reduce equipment corrosion and abrasion.

Chile has a strong natural rubber manufacturing presence, which is an ideal material for abrasion resistant applications. Due to several factors, natural rubber is not ideal for many applications. For example, while natural rubber is harvested from trees, it is more labor intensive to produce than synthetic rubber and can quickly degrade in extreme conditions.

Local applicators lacked a proven source for synthetic rubber compounds for corrosion resistant chemical applications. Prior to Blair Rubber solutions becoming available, many Chilean applicators used a fiberglass reinforced plastic for corrosive environments, which can easily crack and is more expensive than rubber.

Patiño y Compañía and Blair Rubber Company were first introduced in 2014 through a mutual supplier. Blair Rubber was an ideal leader in the manufacturing of synthetic rubber linings. partner as they could produce custom synthetic rubber linings that withstand corrosive environments in certain Chilean industries, such as mining, water treatment, lithium and chemical.

Recommended Solution

Blair Rubber and Patiño y Compañía first addressed potential product adaptations to accommodate the Chilean market. Variables impacting Blair Rubber’s product entrance into Chile included government import regulations, field application conditions and access to other resources.

The rubber lining adhesive typically paired with Blair Rubber’s synthetic product was not an approved import into Chile. To find an alternative solution, Blair Rubber collaborated with approved applicators to locate and test a compatible substitute with the synthetic lining compound.

Another area Blair Rubber needed to consider is the difference between cured and uncured material application. Typically, applicators in Chile use pre-cured material, but for Blair Rubber’s material, they would need to cure the rubber using an 8×8 press.

After identifying suitable adhesive and field application solutions, Patiño y Compañía and Blair Rubber then began delivering custom rubber lining products to several approved applicators in the country.


One of the first Blair Rubber orders Patiño y Compañía delivered was to a Chilean applicator dedicated to the fabrication and distribution of abrasion-resistant rubber products for the chemical and mining industries. In need of a rubber lining for reduction tanks used in non-metallic mining, this applicator required a white chlorobutyl.

Importing the white chlorobutyl lining through Patiño y Compañía, this rubber lining has the physical properties typically found in rubber, including resistance to abrasion, impact, and resilience. The material also has an excellent resistance to corrosion and the ability to function in severe conditions, such as highly oxidative conditions or processes that involve brine.


Blair Rubber’s responsive team and competitive lead times allow Patiño y Compañía to respond to their customer’s needs quickly. As a result of Blair Rubber’s partnership with the distributor, they now provide products to a growing applicator network in Chile.

In recognition of exemplary leadership in exporting U.S. made products and services to Chile, the U.S. Embassy in Chile recently recognized Blair Rubber with an Export Leadership Award.

Are you interested in Blair Rubber’s international distribution or discussing a rubber lining project? Contact us to get started.